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Showing posts with the label CommoditiesShow All
Silver price forecast as the gold/silver ratio retreats
Crude oil prices sell-off intensifies after Kremlin drone attack
Palladium price is still at risk as it trails platinum, gold, silver
Yellen to ‘deprive’ local governments of key financing tool, Gold’s legal tender demand could spike
Zoltan Pozsar and George Gammon’s differing views on the next commodities super cycle
What is carbon credit investing? An intro into what drives this novel asset class
Silver price outlook mixed even as Comex drained and global GDP diverges
Wheat prices forecast: brace for short-term volatility
2 reasons to increase your gold portfolio allocation now
Gold price outlook as countries work to dethrone King dollar
Copper price forecast: on the cusp of a 10% jump
Silver price chart may deceive bulls as the dollar’s weakness fades away
Lithium outlook: Fluctuating prices and the role of techno-geopolitical factors in lithium-ion batteries
Novogratz: Long gold, euro and bitcoin as ‘clearest trades’
Gold and silver price outlook as 23 states move to reclaim precious metals as legal tender