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Bank captive customer to withdraw own money: Celebrating people

In Lebanon, which is caught in a severe economic crisis, a customer who held a bank hostage to withdraw his own money is being celebrated as a hero by the public.

In the West Asian country of Lebanon, there is a severe economic crisis due to issues such as the Corona epidemic and the war in Ukraine. Due to this, people are prohibited from withdrawing money from bank accounts.

In this situation, Alsheikh Hussein (40) entered the bank in Beirut, the capital of Lebanon yesterday with a gun. He captured 10 people including bank employees. He warned that the amount of 210,000 dollars invested in his bank account should be given immediately. Also, I lost my job due to the economic crisis. I need money for my father's medical expenses

e requested the bank officials to give me the money in my bank account. But by that evening, his threat paid off. The bank management, which had asked for 10,000 dollars, now offered to give him 30,000 dollars. He also allowed the captives to fetch food from a nearby restaurant. He reportedly surrendered to the police when the bank management offered to pay him.

In the meantime, the public has argued for him that it was not wrong for him to take the bank prisoner, and that he was involved in such an act in a difficult situation.