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A 25-year-old man was brutally killed in France!

A young man's body has been found dead in the Paris suburb of Valdois. It has been revealed that a 25-year-old man was found dead by the police with a stone on his head. 

The police reached the spot and found the body dragged several feet on the ground. They found bruises on the victim's face and the skull was stuck. A two-wheeler was also found near the dead body with two blood-stained stones lying in pieces.

There was a vehicle with a broken window in the parking lot near the place where the incident took place. The police said that the body was found lying in the middle of the road and he died due to head injuries.

The police also noted that all the bones in his body were beaten and broken. Police are investigating the incident. The police mentioned that the first step of the investigation is to identify the deceased. The police said that there is a high probability that these persons belong to their municipal council area. The police said that despite the fact that there are many people living there, a person has been beaten to death but people are not aware of it.